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What Do Employment Solicitors Do?

What Do Employment Solicitors Do?

Employment solicitors (also known as employment lawyers) specialise in all things related to employment law. An employment law solicitor’s job is to assist employees, employers, businesses, and professional bodies with legal advice related to the rules of employment law in the UK. What is employment law? The official definition of UK employment law is “a set of rules that are

Draft Domestic Abuse Bill Published

The Bill allows increased access to justice for victims of domestic abuse involved in child arrangement proceedings and to adequately safeguard their children. The Domestic Abuse Bill provides victims of domestic violence in the family court, for the first time, the same types of protection available in the criminal arena. The Bill not only extends the legal definition of domestic

Disability Discrimination – How long can you delay making a reasonable adjustment?

Employment Solicitor and Law Lecturer Ian Winrow considers the decision in a recent disability discrimination case. In my many years of working as an Employment Law Solicitor and Citizens Advice Bureau Advisor, disability discrimination is unfortunately something I’ve come across repeatedly. It seems that employers often don’t understand their obligations in law and either won’t employ a disabled worker (which

Constructive Dismissal

Three leading HR experts offer their opinion on tackling the Gender Pay Gap

As a leading employment law solicitor, Ian Winrow was invited to join two other HR experts in their respective fields to collaborate on an article for Employer News about how the UK can tackle the gender pay gap. We were delighted to work with Kay Phelps, a PR in HR specialist and Rameez Kaleem, Pay and Reward Consultant and Director

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