Children’s Solicitors in North Wales
Fixed Fee Legal Aid Available
Going through a separation or a divorce can be a distressing and emotional time — especially for families with children. If you have a child, this challenging process can become even more stressful.
Serving the North Wales area, our expert child law solicitors aim to ease the process for you and your family as much as possible. We will always have your, and your children’s, best interests at heart.
North Wales children law and child custody services
Relationship changes can be an extremely emotional time for everyone within your family — especially when there are children involved. Children are especially vulnerable to change and disturbance within the family, so it’s important to seek the help of a children’s law solicitor.
Our team can help you reach an amicable agreement over child custody and contact arrangements if you need support. Our family law solicitors in North Wales will act as mediators throughout the process, helping you prioritise what is best for your children and their future.
Legal advice for child custody disputes
It’s common for child custody disputes to arise in the face of divorce or separation. Even routine decisions like schooling can lead to disagreements.
Our family and children’s law specialists in North Wales can help you with the following:
- Determining where the children should live and with whom.
- Situations where children are not returned home.
- Situations where children are removed from a parent’s care.
- Arrangements for children to spend time with parents or family members.
- Arrangements for who your children can safely interact with.
Legal advice for Family Court orders
The Family Court plays a huge role in determining who a child can live with and any contact arrangements with the non-resident parent. The court will make its decision based on the best interest of the child or children involved. The welfare of your children is the main consideration in this decision.
The court usually says that it’s in a child’s best interest to have a relationship with both parents in the dispute; however, they may revoke this if factors like domestic violence are involved. Anything that could put a child in harm will be considered in the final decision.
Our family law solicitors will guide you through the process with sensitivity and understanding. We will ensure that you are well-informed on the process every step of the way.
Legal advice for Child Arrangement Orders (CAOs)
Our family law solicitors in North Wales specialise in children’s law. We can provide you with clarity and guidance on Child Arrangement Orders, protecting your child’s wellbeing while ensuring your rights as a parent or guardian are upheld.
We will always try to explore alternative dispute resolution methods before a CAO is necessary.
Family Law Legal Aid
Funding Available
What is a Child Arrangement Order?
Under the Children and Families Act of 2014, a child arrangement order is a legally binding document issued by the Family Court. It determines the living arrangements, contacts, and all other aspects of a child’s upbringing and is used when parents or guardians cannot reach an agreement independently.
What is a Child Arrangement Order?
A Child Arrangement Order’s contents can vary depending on the individual case, but typically includes:
- Residence: A CAO can specify where the child will live. This can be with one parent or in shared living arrangements with both parents.
- Contact: A CAO can outline the amount of time a child will spend with the non-residential parent and other family members, like grandparents.
- Specific issue orders: Specific issue orders address case-specific questions and concerns about the child’s upbringing, education, healthcare, and religion.
- Prohibited steps orders: Prohibited steps orders are put in place to prevent certain actions, like taking the child out of the country without consent.
Legal advice for child maintenance
Child maintenance is a fundamental aspect of family law, which focuses on securing financial support for children after a separation or divorce. It ensures that both parents contribute fairly to the costs of raising the child, no matter their relationship status.
Child Maintenance Service (CMS)
The CMS is a government agency that helps calculate and collect child maintenance payments. Our children’s law solicitors will guide you through the CMS process to ensure accurate calculations and compliance with regulations.
Private arrangements
We can assist you in negotiating private child maintenance arrangements between parents, offering tailored solutions for your family.
If the non-residential parent fails to meet their financial obligations, our child law solicitors in North Wales can enforce child maintenance orders.
Funding your child law case in North Wales
When you trust in our team at Winrow Solicitors, you’ll learn that we are very flexible when charging for our children’s law services in North Wales. We know that financial stress is the last thing you need on top of a huge life change.
We can work our pricing for children’s law advice around you with a variety of different options to keep costs low:
- We can charge you a fixed price for each piece of advice you receive.
- We can advise you on your ‘rights’ and agree on a ‘plan’ to follow to achieve the best outcome.
- If you apply to go to Family Court, we can help you with the paperwork but not go on the court record as acting for you. You will receive all the court paperwork, but we can explain anything you don’t understand for a fixed fee. We would then provide follow-up advice via email and suggest any further action.
- We can agree on a fixed fee to attend with you if you feel uncomfortable attending court on your own. This anxiety is extremely common, and we will do what we can to support you.
- If you need full support and representation throughout your family law or children’s law case, we can deal with everything on your behalf. For this, we can ‘bill’ you our hourly rate every month so you can keep an eye on the fees. We can even arrange a spending cap to ensure you do not exceed a certain amount.
This way, you control the overall cost and can receive as much or as little legal advice as you need.
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